Saturday, October 20, 2007

Visiting with Linda/Todd and George/Amber

We had such a wonderful visit with Linda, Todd, Hana, Georgia, Georgie, and Amber,
and Todd's friends from Germany. We first went to the "local" famous Mike's corn maze where
not only did we have to figure out how to navigate the maze but there were locations of checkpoints where we had to play chimes and either name that tune or name the composer.
We did well, thanks to Todd and Linda, who seem to have a talent for this. Who could have guessed. We also took the kids to Sugarloaf mountain nearby for terrific views of the foliage.
The pictures don't do it justice. Beautiful!!! The girls loved playing in the leaves and climbing on the rocks. We also got to see a lot of ladybugs, thousands!!!!
We came back to our house just in time for Todd and Linda's friends Florian and Barbara from
Germany. The girls, as well as all of us, oogled over their son, Benny. He had such an adorable smile. Georgie and Amber arrived just in time for dinner and great conversation. And WE TIRED Georgia out.... what time did she fall asleep?
Linda and Todd HOW did you get up the next am after our awesome conversation until the wee hours in the am?
Georgie and Amber... Where are the pictures of you? I think they are in your camera. Send them to our blog. I had a wonderful time walking back to our house with you both from the
state park D.A.R. The apple picking was late season, but talking to the 90 year old orchard owner was memorable.
Love to all,

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