Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lake Caribou

Hey yall!

This is such a great idea! Its so nice to see pictures of what everyone is up to. I thought I would add some pictures of my recent birthday "week" trip. It was so nice to get away...again. ; ) These are some photos of my girlfriend Amber and I hiking in the Trinity Alps. Of course, we were traveling in Linda and Todd's footsteps. When I told her where we were planning to go, she immediately said "oh yeah! Todd and I went to that lake a few years back. Its beautiful!" Its hard to find a place on the planet they haven't been too.... And indeed, it was a stunning place to be.

Amber on Sawtooth ridgeKeeping our camp clean!


Mark and Valerie said...

I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo Jealous!


Cathy said...

Wow, this is gorgeous. I'm so glad you & Amber got a chance to do this (hi Amber!)

OK I'm not up on my Western geography...where is the Trinity Alps?