Thursday, August 23, 2007

Starting a blog...

Welcome to the Schevon Family Blog! Since we are all scattered to the four winds and often too busy or spaced out to answer the phone, here's a way for us to let each other know about interesting things going on in our lives.

I know we all have things to post. Valerie and Mark are just returning from a visit to Linda and Todd's family in Minnesota, and I'm sure there are stories to tell and photos to share. Before that, Val and Mark's family, Cathy (me), George, and Kate & Anna went on an AMC hut trip in the White Mountains. Linda and Todd have lots of news about their new house, schools for the kids, and the drive from Vancouver to Minneapolis. And lest we forget, Mom and Dad have lots to report too.

Actually maybe I should have called this the "Schevon-Nostas" blog, because there are family members in Colorado who I would love to see posting stuff here. Lila and Abby came out to New York this summer for a short but wonderful visit, and I've spoken to Alissa and (indirectly) Diego for the first time in years.

I end this first, baptismal post with the burning question that really got me started with this blog:


Remember how this box used to show up on your doorstep exactly when you least expected it but needed it most, and it always contained something that was perfect for the situation? We may be a lot busier now but our needs are no less. Let's put it back in circulation!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Georgie has it!!!!!!

I found it as I was cleaning out the house in Vancouver, and sent it to George filled with nice gifts for him, stuff he left behind from his trip to visit us, and a gift for Amber too.

Maybe he needs a bit of prodding from his big sisters...that always works.