Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Cathy's Birthday

Hi everyone, We, Mom and Dad, are here in NYC to celebrate Cathy's birthday. She was born at 4am in the morning on August 28th at Holy Name hospital after announcing her coming at the Yankee Stadium during the second inning. Daddy asked the doctor if we could wait a little longer to see the rest of the game. The doctor said NO! We were then escorted out via the elevator (it had to be a special occasion to be allowed on that elevator!) and went to greet our new daughter!! So, here we are ??? years later! Hope everyone enjoyed our little story.

Love, Mom and Dad
Great idea Cathy!!! My computer often doesn't pull up pictures, so I got your write ups without the visuals. Thanks for the details of such an amazing trip!!!

But, I think it's time for a new computer. If I can get this to work, we'll send off some pictures too.

Thanks for setting this up. I'll get back to you when Todd figures out the problem or a new laptop is in my life.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Some more pictures....

Mark and Toria hiking. Toria was spectacular, in fact she has earned the right to carry a pack next year.

Nice photo of Mark and Val.

And here is one of George that I really liked.

And this one of Toria is indescribable! By the way that's Mount Washington in the background.

3rd annual White Mountain hut trip

This year featured two nights at Carter Notch Hut, next to Wildcat Mountain (the one on the right of this map). We took a relatively gentle climb of about 1200 feet. We went for the scenic route on the way out, via Wildcat Mountain and the gondola which worked out beautifully. The weather, for the first time EVER, was spectacular although a bit warmer than we might have liked. On the other hand, it was the perfect excuse to go jumping into the many streams and pools along our route and at the hut.

A few highlights. The kids, especially Natalie who gets extra points for doing this trip with a case of vaccine-induced measles, got to show off their rock climbing skills. There is a boulder field at Carter Notch from an old rockslide that proved inviting.

This is one of the ponds near Carter Notch Hut. It was a godsend - imagine coming back from a hot sweaty hike and jumping right on in! The water was clear and cold because of springs feeding the pond from beneath, although the rocks were pretty slippery with algae.

That's George sitting on the water. Really. Well actually there's a conveniently placed rock.

And now for the moose story...the day between our two nights at the hut, everybody day hiked to the summit of Carter Dome Mountain (4400 feet). The kids were bushed after this so they returned to the Hut with Val and Mark. George, Kate and I decided to push on to Mount Height, which is a bit shorter but has a better view. On the way we almost walked into the big fellow with the antlers pictured above. He just watched us while we took pictures and tried to figure out what to do aside from the obvious (turning back). Along came Luke, a through hiker from Virginia, who eventually led us into the trees to go around, just before a large group of woefully inexperienced and over-noisy hikers came up on the other side of the moose and spooked him into running right through the spot where we'd been standing. Thank you Luke, and if you find this send one of us an email and we'll send you photos. And, good luck with your hike!

Starting a blog...

Welcome to the Schevon Family Blog! Since we are all scattered to the four winds and often too busy or spaced out to answer the phone, here's a way for us to let each other know about interesting things going on in our lives.

I know we all have things to post. Valerie and Mark are just returning from a visit to Linda and Todd's family in Minnesota, and I'm sure there are stories to tell and photos to share. Before that, Val and Mark's family, Cathy (me), George, and Kate & Anna went on an AMC hut trip in the White Mountains. Linda and Todd have lots of news about their new house, schools for the kids, and the drive from Vancouver to Minneapolis. And lest we forget, Mom and Dad have lots to report too.

Actually maybe I should have called this the "Schevon-Nostas" blog, because there are family members in Colorado who I would love to see posting stuff here. Lila and Abby came out to New York this summer for a short but wonderful visit, and I've spoken to Alissa and (indirectly) Diego for the first time in years.

I end this first, baptismal post with the burning question that really got me started with this blog:


Remember how this box used to show up on your doorstep exactly when you least expected it but needed it most, and it always contained something that was perfect for the situation? We may be a lot busier now but our needs are no less. Let's put it back in circulation!