Sunday, February 24, 2008

Wilke trip to California

We left the desolate Minnesota arctic winter for a week of warmer weather. Here are the girls enjoying nature with Jen. A non-frozen stream in February..... crazy.

Here we are at the waterfall..... Linda (with picnic blanket), Todd, Hana, Rock Star Gibby, Jen Jen (Nature Mom) and Georgia.

It was a wonderful hike up the stream with 27,345 crossings over and back, hopping on the rocks and logs.
Only Nature Mom's (Jen) shoes stayed dry.

See, we really were in LA. They won't let you board a flight out of town without proof of Disney-ification. We enjoyed meeting princesses as well as the terrifying experiences like "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride." Pirates of the Caribbean was way better before that stoopit Johnny Depp.